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Category Archives: Romania
DISEMINARE Trysil, Norvegia
Pentru vizualizare click aici: diseminare a reuniunii de proiect din Norvegia
The Traditions’ national Museum
The Traditions’ national Museum:
Romanian customs and beliefs when human beings are born,get married, have children or die
Movie presentation: Romania
Romania’ s Project Evaluation Team
1 Sandulescu Cristina- teacher
2.Coman Maria Miruna
3.Grigore Denis Gabriela
4.Latea Sarah Madalina
5.Soare Mirabela Elena
14.10.2013-19.10. 2013
Pentru anii şcolari 2013-2014, 2014-2015, Liceul Teoretic ‘I.L CARAGIALE’ Moreni este coordonatorul unui Parteneriat Şcolar Multilateral Comenius, proiect derulat împreună ca alte şapte şcoli din Spania, Turcia, Letonia, Grecia, Norvegia, Estonia si Polonia. Acesta se desfăşoară in cadrul programului ‘Învătare pe tot Parcursul Vietii’ având numărul de referintă COM-13-PM-50-DB-RO. Titlul parteneriatului este “Let’s First Understand Our National Heritage in order to Define and Build Our European Identity”.
Scopul parteneriatului nostru este de a înţelege si respecta moştenirea naţională a fiecărui partener pentru a fi capabili să construim si să dezvoltăm identitatea europeană. Vom fi călători in timp aşa că, vom direcţiona maşina timpului astfel incât sa descoperim ce ne defineşte pe noi înşine. De îndată ce aflăm cine suntem si fiecare partener işi descoperă moştenirea naţională, vom conduce maşina timpului catre ceilalti parteneri pentru a călători impreună către ziua prezentă. Impreună, vom declara scopurile noastre comune astfel incât, maşina timpului sa fie capabilă sa meargă mai departe, in viitor, aducând cu ea inţelegere, toleranţă si promovarea adevăratelor valori .
Vrem sa aflăm cum se defineşte identitatea fiecărui partener şi pentru aceasta ne adresăm obiceiurilor si credinţelor pe care oamenii le au in momente cheie ale existenţei: la naştere, botez, casătorie, moarte. Dorim sa identificăm abilităţile de creaţie ale fiecărei ţări prin muzică şi dansuri populare, literatură populară, mesteşuguri dar si prin tradiţii ca bază a expresiei artistice moderne (in literatură, muzică, sculptură) . Una dintre faţetele acestei identităţi se referă la valorile pe care familiile le insuflă copiilor (depinzând de apartenenţa socială, mentalitatea privind educaţia, realizarea personală, traiul sănatos) iar un alt unghi de percepere a acestei identităţi este dat de educaţia pe care elevii o primesc la şcoală (limbi străine, ICT, educaţie antreprenorială) având scopul de a progresa in mod continuu pentru ca elevii sa aibe acces la o integrare cât mai bună pe piata europeană a muncii.
Elevii se vor compara cu partenerii lor din alte ţări si vor construi împreună identitatea si cetăţenia europeană. Ţelul nostru este acela ca toti partenerii sa conştientizeze această diversitate lingvistică si culturală şi împreună prin respect reciproc, să inţeleagă rolul activ pe care fiecare naţiune îl are in mozaicul multicultural.
Prima reuniune de proiect a avut loc in perioada 14.10.2013-19.10. 2013, in România, Moreni, la Liceul Teoretic ”I. L. CARAGIALE” , reuniune la care, conform formularului de aplicaţie, au participat doar profesorii din cele 8 şcoli partenere deoarece, s-au discutat aspectele legate de buna desfaşurare a parteneriatului.
In prima zi a reuniunii transnaţionale , oaspetii au avut o intâlnire cu reprezentanţi ai autorităţii locale, la Primaria oraşului Moreni, ocazie in care primarul oraşului le-a menţionat acestora istoria oraşului nostru. La liceu, partenerii noştri au fost intâmpinaţi cu pâine , sare si flori iar coordonatorul român si conducerea şcolii le-au adresat o cuvântarea de bun venit. Elevii români au propus un joc în care pentru moment, ei nu mai erau români ci, membri ai ţărilor partenere aşa că, pe rand au facut o prezentare a ţării respective referindu-se la locaţie, forme de relief, cultură si civilizaţie. Parte a jocului era ca partenerii să ghicească ţara care era descrisă şi imediat elevii respectivi să le ofere un dar alcătuit dintr-o cană care era personalizată cu numele proiectului , costumele traditionale din fiecare tară si magneţi cu locurile pe care ei le vor vizita ca urmare a excursiilor de documentare pentru buna desfăşurare a proiectului.
Participanţii au primit agenda de lucru a reuniunii si pe parcursul sesiunilor de lucru desfăsurate in cele patru zile ale întâlnirii transnaţionale au fost organizate urmatoarele activitaţi: vizitarea şcolii, prezentarile Power-Point ale partenerilor conţinând descrieri ale fiecarei ţări cu referire la locaţie, forme de relief, oraşe importante, locuri de interes, populatie, cultură si sistem educaţional, responsabilităţile fiecărui partener, managementul si buna desfăşuarare a website-ului proiectului, (câmpuri, locul in care fiecare lucrare va fi postată) managementul si buna desfăşurare a proiectului pe spatiul Twin, organizarea si responsabilităţile “Comitetului inţelepciunii elevilor” si al “Comitetului transnaţional al inţelepciunii elevilor”, stabilirea “Echipei de Evaluare a proiectului” cu responsabilitaţile fiecarui membru, discuţii despre buna documentare si pregătire a produselor finale care vor fi realizate în întâlnirea de proiect din Turcia., stabilirea datelor următoarelor 2 întalniri transnaţionale din primul an al proiectului(din Norvegia si Spania) , management-ul comunicării între parteneri prin Website-ul proiectului (website care poate fi accesat la adresa: eucomenius.vectorialpx.net ), spaţiul Twin, Facebook, email-uri, diseminarea si evaluarea reuniunii de proiect din Romania. S-a discutat despre faptul ca in fiecare şcoală va exista un spaţiu dedicat proiectului, loc numit “Our Comenius Corner”, zona, in care vor fi expuse fotografii, produse finale, articole representative pentru proiect.
Luând in considerare faptul ca parteneriatul nostru are ca bază definirea identităţii naţionale, au fost efectuate excursii de documentare la “Muzeul satului” si la “Muzeul ţăranului roman” din Bucuresti, la un targ al tradiţiilor românesti, la “Muzeul de etnografie” din Brasov, vizite de documentare ce au condus la o mai buna inţelegere a moştenirii noastre naţionale din punct de vedere cultural si istoric. Partenerii au discutat despre punctele comune referitoare la tradiţii, arhitectură si obiceiuri dar si la ceea ce ne diferentiază ca popoare. Ei au fost profund impresionţi de ospitalitatea românească, de tradiţiile si folclorul autohton, având posibilitatea sa participe si la o masă cu specific românesc, parte din moştenirea noastră naţională.
In ultima zi a reuniunii a fost desfăsurată sesiunea de evaluare in care participanţii au completat un chestionar despre activităţile intâlnirii transnaţionale, iar in urma interpretării acestuia, s-a constat ca toate obiectivele propuse pentru această reuniune de proiect au fost atinse, partenerii considerând ca activitatea din Moreni a fost benefică şi hotărâtoare pentru buna desfăşurarea a proiectului. prilej pentru a pune bazele bunei organizări a parteneriatului iar pe de alta parte, de a observa cultura, civilizaţia si ospitalitatea poporului român.
Toate informatiile pe care le furnizăm reprezintă responsabilitatea exclusivă a echipei de proiect din Liceul Teoretic ‘I.L. Caragiale’ Moreni, iar Agentia Natională pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formării Profesionale si Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile pentru modul in care este folosit conţinutul acestor informaţii.
Diseminare realizată de:
prof. Matei Mirandolina- coordonator
Liceul Teoretic „I. L. CARAGIALE” Moreni
Romanian Students’ Wisdom Committee
Romania’s Presentation
Romania’s Presentation:Romania’s Presentation Comenius 2013-2015
Our Comenius Team
Hello, My Dear New Friends!
I am Mirandolina Matei, an English teacher at “IL CARAGIALE” Theoretical Highschool from Moreni , Dambovita county.
I personally think that there aren’t many things to be mentioned about me except for the fact that I am 45 years old (so, I am still young, aren’t I?). I used to be a mechanical engineer and then I reconsidered everything , realizing that engineering was not my cup of tea. As a result, here I am, talking about me as a member of this partnership which I am very proud of and to which the Romanian school is in charge with its coordination. I am the coordinator of the Romanian team so when things are perfect I am the first one to be congratulated on and if things do not unfold as well as they should , it is somebody else’s fault .I am joking, of course, as everything is exactly as scheduled.
I am reliable, confident, with a very good sense of humour, not very talkative and if am allowed to say, a type of “Jack of all trades” (but the last one characterizes my fellow countrymen in general).
Being among my students is a reservoir of youth and good-will for me as all the time they recharge my batteries after they have completely succeeded in using up all my energy . I really like what I do firstly because I can see my pupils’ professional and individual development and secondly I know that I give a helping hand to lay the foundations for their future.
I am looking forward to meeting you as I am positive that we will cooperate perfectly in order to achieve our common goals: to uphold the real values of our European identity, to promote the European cultural and linguistic diversity, to fight against racism, prejudice and xenophobia.
Hello! I am Cristina Sandulescu,I live in Romania, I am 45 and I am a French teacher at “I.L.Caragiale “Moreni Highschool. I have two daughters, one of them is 10 and the other one is 16. I am a member of the Comenius Project team and I am excited about taking part with all of you, of course, in the partnership “Let’s First Understand Our National Heritage in order to Define and Build Our European Identity’’. Participating in this project is a big opportunity to improve the educational systems through the cross-curricular approach that our partnership will have, but also to activate teamwork, the initiative spirit and entrepreneurial skills. All in all, I am looking forward to seeing you in Romania, in order to work together.
À bientôt!
Hello, everybody! My name is Alexandra Marinescu and I’m a Chemistry teacher. I can say that I really like my job as being among students makes me understand the important role education has for Europe’s future and in this way I can give a helping hand to its construction.
I’m 40 years old and in this partnership I administrate the project’s web-site.
During our project, I will be happy to meet teachers and students from the European schools involved in its unfolding and I am eager to find out about the traditions of each country which participates in the project .
My hobbies are: reading, hiking and trips. We have such a beautiful country so I think that it’s worth exploring every inch of it. I am also eager to experience each corner of our partners’ civilization.
My name is Rodica Racasanu and I am a Chemistry teacher. I am forty-six years old.
I have experience in developing such projects because I coordinated a Comenius partnership and a Leonardo project.
Universal civilization, history, traditions, myths, folklore, present a special interest to me. Therefore I would like to make our partners know aspects of our history, art, traditions and achievements in science and also acquire more information about the other countries and their inhabitants.
Hi there! My name is Andreea Stroe and I am a 17 years old student at I.L.Caragiale Highschool in Moreni, Romania. I’m an outgoing and ambitious person, the kind of person keen on involvement and in whose future agenda emerges, written in capitals, “A CHANGE TO THE WORLD”. I know that sounds like I’d run for president, but I’ve recently realised it takes a serious approach to anything for it to take its desirable turn. ”. I like spontaneity, I’ve been eager to do crazy things ever since my living memory, and although I come from an exact sciences’ profile, I’ve always been guided by creativity and inspiration. From the series “pleasure during leisure” I may epitomize everything through hanging out with my friends, American series, volunteering and basically anything that involves dogs. I try as much as possible to get involved and to assert, and so to bring a change to my community. And my possibly biggest defect is I’m undeniably a perfectionist.
The cooperation in this project brings me the greatest opportunity, for now, to involve and assert and raise my expectations for the future, whatever state future would reach. It would improve my social skills and strengthen my awareness of national and regional reality. I also need to practise my English and why not, learn what multilingualism is all about by living the experience. Still, one of my main objectives remains getting in touch with trustful and cordial people whom, hopefully, I can tie lifelong friendships with. I expect to become more responsible, gain experience that would help me in the future, get to experiment foreign ruts and grasp the enormous importance of diversified culture better. I’m not necessarily aspiring to a new view of the international life, it’s just I’d appreciate seeing my highschool, my community and myself with an improved mindset and enhanced moral values, from civility to friendship . I look forward to our team’s initiative becoming reality!
Hey! What’s up?
My name is Ana-Maria, I am 16 and it is a real pleasure and honor to take part in this partnership.
Exchanging ideas and thoughts about all the things that surround us, one with another, not mattering which country you are from, helps you acknowledge other’s point of you and makes you think twice before you talk. This kind of socialising helps you improve your ability to communicate with others, passing all the borders and it helps you make new friends. Also, being able to speak your mind even if it’s in contradictory with someone else’s opinion builds confidence and makes you stand for your opinion, knowing that there are people who are willing to listen what you have to say.
I don’t like wasting my free time so, I always find something funny or interesting to do. I like reading adventure books, writing fiction stories, drawing and also I would like to paint, but I don’t know how to match the colors very well so I’m still learning, watching and drawing Japanese cartoons named anime and long walks through the woods: I find it mysterious and fascinating. I laugh really much. I laugh from everything, and once I start you can’t stop me. I always like to take the positive part in all the things; I find it sad that some people don’t know how to have fun and be optimistic, seeing life just a road to death.
Going through this partnership, I would like to find people who think the way that I do, and in this way express our feelings towards the same things, such as: painting, reading, writing stories, walking, music, laughing and so on. However, meeting people with different opinions will help me reconsider my words and thoughts and will be a precious lesson to me.
I am looking forward to seeing how things are going to be and hope for a happy ending.
Hi there!
I am Maria Miruna Coman, I am 16 years old, Pisces. I study at a very good high school , Liceul Teoretic “I.L Caragiale”, in Moreni, Romania.
I like reading, dancing, going out with my numerous friends and listening to music. I love rock, metal,( this music is me), I enjoy travelling , walking on the beach, gazing at the sea and swimming.
I’m the kind of person that whatever happens remains optimistic so I consider that I have the right attitude towards life although I am so young.
The saying that can best summarize who I am is “Every cloud has a silver lining”, and I always look at bright side of things . This does not mean that I am insensitive towards people’s problems but I believe that if there is a will there is a way. I am really interested in what the world is about so this project means a lot to me as it will improve my knowledge of all the other nations that participate in this project and I am more than sure that I will be a better person (both as general knowledge and as individual) as a result of this involvement
I feel honored to take part in this project. I have not been in contact with people from other countries up to now so, I am looking forward to making acquaintance with you (either via the communication tools that this project has or personally and why not both ways).
Hello! My name is Gabriela Grigore I am sixteen years old and am a student at a high school named Liceul Teoretic ‘IL Caragiale’ in Moreni, Romania. I have straight long brown hair, an oval face, a small nose, a small mouth, dark eyes and a broad smile.
I love reading, writing and travelling very much and I’m glad I get to know people and new places. My opinion about this project is that through this exchange of experience we all have the chance to meet people from different nations and to learn about their lives. I love life, I love animals, especially dogs and everything around me. I like to discover, learn and pass on what I know, maybe that’s why I want to become a teacher, who knows? Only time will tell !
I like elegance, sophistication, and convenience of feeling but at the same time I think that it does not matter where I am, but who I am. There’s only one small problem: I do not speak English very well, but I think we will understand one another. How hard can it be? But, I know that this project will help me.
I’ve never been abroad, it is for the first time I have taken part in a Comenius project and I feel proud to be among those who have such a chance.
I am optimistic, open, talkative and eager to meet you. I hope to be an experience to open my heart and mind towards wonderful countries and people.
Hello, Everybody!
My name is Sarah and I will try to introduce myself to you so that you could have an idea about who and what I am.
I was born on a beautiful autumn day, on 20 th October 1998.I live in the village Visinesti and I am 14 years old. I attended primary school in my native village and then, in the 5th grade I chose to moved to a lower secondary school in Moreni. Now I am a student at High School “ I.L Caragiale “ . I opted for Philology, the intensive English class because I like foreign languages and everything in connection with culture and civilization , both of Romania and of other countries. I consider that the foreign languages that I learn at school will give me the opportunity to extend my knowledge of the world.
I am a determined person, honest, lively and I think I am a good friend. I love animals very much so I act accordingly: I have 2 puppies and a cat. My hobbies are : long journeys full of unseen places , basketball , photography and riding the bike. Another hobby is reading, the last book that impressed me was ” The catcher in the Rye” written by JD Salinger. In my spare time I like listening to music, in fact, this is how I relax best. My favourite band is Daft Punk and my favourite singer is Rita Ora.
I am very happy to participate in this project because I want to discover new people with their culture and civilization so that I can form a clearer picture of the world .In life, my guiding proverb is “Who doesn’t try, never wins.” so, I am here in this project as I am a winner.
Hello, there!!
I am Maria Teodora Nanu and I am 17 years old. I am in the 11th grade at I.L.Caragiale Highschool. I live in Moreni and my birthday is on the 10th of April.
I chose to take part in this program because I would like to improve my social skills, as well as my ability to communicate with people from different parts of the world.
For me, taking part in this project is equivalent to the stepping stones to a better future, not resuming to self-development, but also referring to the things people can achieve if they get to understand each other’s desires, dreams, expectations, beliefs and generally, culture.
By getting to know people from other cultures, I expect to find out a lot o interesting things about them and their countries and also form long- term friendships with those people.
I hope to improve my knowledge by having direct contact with other cultures and also develop my management and leadership skills by taking part in a team.
I am a very optimistic person, always seeing the brightest side of things. I can say that I am self-confident, ambitious and pretty independent. I am not much of a sporty person, but I truly love extreme sports like parasailing, paragliding, mountaineering and parachuting, because it is really frightening, yet amazing. Here’s a photo of me doing parasailing last summer. However, I enjoy painting and collecting pebbles. I love watching over little children and mainly helping people. I like cats and I have two of them at home.
My name is Mihai Chisulescu, I am 16 years old, I like computer gaming, creating websites (and almost everything related to computers), hard rock , metal music and travelling. I think that there are many students like me who have the same interests so through the exchange of information that this partnership promotes, I am positive that I will find a fellow student who likes web design just like me, so I’ll have a partner whom I can work with.
I’m not allergic to anything and I don’t have any food preferences.
It’s not the first time I have been in a project like this one and by taking part in it, I hope to increase my communication and English skills. I know that this experience will help me to understand better and respect different nations with different views and I’m looking forward to meeting you and working together..
Bonjour à tous!!
I am Andreea Sandulescu, I am 16 and I am from Romania. I am in the 11th grade at I.L.Caragiale Moreni Highschool. Taking part in this project is important for me for a myriad of reasons. To begin with, this partnership will make me improve my linguistic and foreign language skills. Second of all, I will have a better chance of making new friends from other countries. Last but not least, I would like to make my country’s culture known and to provide insight and respect for my cultural heritage. Moreover, I would like to make my contribution to the enrichment of our national heritage and also to promote the circulation of real values. I am excited about working in this project, the third one that I have taken part in, because I like socialising, learning new things about other cultures and lifestyles, preoccupations .I have a competitive spirit, I like French and English, and these things have helped me to participate at national contests ,having won prizes to measure(3 international camps). A part of my free time I spend with my group of best friends. We know each other for a few years, but despite that, we spend our summers together, we travel together, we laugh and go out together. Furthermore, because I like helping people, I would like to think that even just one person can change other people’s lives forever, in a good way, that’s why I do my best to become a doctor. My hobbies are listening to music, watching crime Tv series and surfing the web. I think that memories define one’s personality and because of that, I hope that the moments we’ll spend together will become, in time, some of the best memories, which will stay with us, forever…
I am looking forward to meeting you, until then… à bientôt!
Hi everybody ! My name is Marinescu Radu and I’m 13 years old. I am a pupil in the 8th grade at “I.L. Caragiale” Highschool Moreni. This year is a difficult one for me as I have to pass the entrance examination for the 9th grade and this is to be done with a huge mark as I have always been a very good student and I must study even more. This exam won’t prevent me from being a member of this Comenius project as I believe that the experience I will gain, will definitely increase my general knowledge .
During this project, I would like to meet students from different countries to whom I will talk about our lives and experiences as students, teenagers and individuals of a united Europe .
I do not have hobbies but I am interested in doing many activities. First of all I like taking photos (artistic photos) of nature , even making portraits and different snapshots as I think that all these photos capture moments of truth which define our world and they represent the bricks with which I will build my memories’ house . Second of all, I believe that if I master at least two foreign languages , I will have better chances in life so, English and French represent the target I aim at
Finally, as a teenager I enjoy everything connected with computers so my special mission in this project is to post information on project’s web-site.
Hello! My name is Soare Elena Mirabela and I am 17 years old. I am a student at very good highschool from Romania named Liceul Teoretic “I. L Caragiale” Moreni whose students have always managed to fulfil their dreams and ambitions through the comprehensive knowledge they acquire. I can say that it gives me great pleasure to participate in this project as I consider that I have the special honor to meet new people with whom I will share my ideas and in this way not only that I can make new friends but I will broaden my knowledge of the world. In this experience I hope I could meet people with the same hobbies as me ( for example: music, drawing, dancing, make up). I am also convinced that the ideas we express will be listened to and fully comprehended as we will always have someone close to us, on whom we can rely as this partnership is above all about cooperation and team work.
Our school, Liceul Teoretic “I.L.Caragiale ”
Our school, Liceul Teoretic“I.L.Caragiale ”, is situated in Moreni, Dambovita county. Moreni lies in the south-east of Romania, at 100 km away from Bucharest, a picturesque place surrounded by hills from all sides. There are more than 20.000 inhabitants who try to make a better living for themselves but who unfortunately confront with the economic crisis that we all experience. In the past, our town was an important place for oil extraction and technological equipment but nowadays the petroleum strata have almost run out and the other factories have made many workers redundant so the inhabitants of our town have to qualify for other professions.
Our school, Liceul Teoretic“I.L.Caragiale ”, which is both a lower and upper secondary school meets the increasing demands of a society in a continuous movement so it provides specialism with Mathematics –Computer Science, Philology, Foreign Languages, Natural Science and Social Sciences. There are laboratories of Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English and History. Our school has two gyms, a playground, a Centre of Information and Documentation and there are two buildings in which children learn. There are 1100 students and 60 teachers who are fully aware that only a well-educated student can have access to the best universities and professions. Therefore our pupils are not only hard- working but also interested in building a better future for themselves. We all know that through good education we can give our students a chance to develop themselves, we offer them a comprehensive approach towards their needs for their future careers. Moreover, through the Comenius multilateral school partnerships that our school has unfolded, our students improve their linguistic and communicative skills in English, their mother tongue and in other languages they come in contact with, they are able to enrich their cultural awareness and they experience social and cultural inclusion and tolerance. Through the acquisition of knowledge and competence that our school upholds, our pupils lay the foundation for their future careers as they follow the stages which are required for a well-rounded human being.